Ask A Career Consultant


Yvonne is an Organisational Psychologist, a PsyCap Potential© practitioner and NeuroLeadership© Brain-Based coach, currently getting a second post-graduate degree in Applied Neuroscience at King's College, London.

Every week, ask Yvonne, a career expert your burning career questions!

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Should I Pursue a Master’s in HR or Healthcare Administration?

Dear Yvonne,

I am confused as to what career path I would want to pursue and build on now. I just completed my BSc in business management. I have a keen interest in HR. I have a good amount of work experience and knowledge of HR. However, I also discovered another passion for healthcare administration.

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Sisterly HQ Sisterly HQ

How Can I Break Into Tech If I Struggle with Networking?

Dear Yvonne,

I might be outspoken with people and situations I'm comfortable with, but every other time, I'm as timid as a mouse. This means I'm horrible at networking and would rather stay home than attend events so I have no idea how I'm going to get on this path.

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Sisterly HQ Sisterly HQ

Is It Wrong to Want More in My Career?

Dear Yvonne,

For the past 2 years, I’ve dreamt of working with a consulting firm. I finally got the opportunity to work at one of the Big 4 firms as a back-office staff. Going 4 months into this, I feel like I could do much more than what I do currently.

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Sisterly HQ Sisterly HQ

How Can I Be More Assertive in the Workplace?

Dear Yvonne,

Could you please recommend books/ videos/ courses that teach you to be more assertive in the workplace i.e., standing up for yourself, respectfully 'tooting your horn', and demanding what you believe you deserve?

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Sisterly HQ Sisterly HQ

How Do I Get a Job with No Work Experience?

Dear Yvonne,

How do you go about writing a good CV and getting a job with no work experience? I don't have work experience. The closest thing I have to a work experience is when I taught CRS in service year.

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